
Course Information


Term: 2023-2024 (June - May) FALL (Aug. - Dec.)


Sam Wayne VetroShow MyInfo popup for Sam Wayne Vetro
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Melinda A. WalkerShow MyInfo popup for Melinda A. Walker
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Virginia Barbe BakerShow MyInfo popup for Virginia Barbe Baker
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(3 hours) Prerequisites: Biol, Biochem, Chem, Kine, Public Health, Health Prom or Nursing major . Corequisite: BIOL 226L. The first part of a two-semester sequence, this comprehensive course is a lecture study of the integrated structures and functions of the human body. Basic cellular chemistry and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems are presented. Lecture 3 hours. This course cannot be challenged. Note: All students placed in ENGL 099 and/or MATH 099 must complete the course(s) successfully before being allowed into BIOL 226.