
Course Information


Term: 2022-2023 (June - May) SPRING Jan. - Apr.


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Tue-Thu, 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM (1/10/2023 - 5/2/2023) Location: CSU AH 109

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(3 hours) Prerequisite: Senior standing and permission of the chair of the Department of Mathematical Sciences. This course serves as a capstone course for students majoring in mathematics. Each student will do an intensive study of a preapproved topic in mathematics or closely related mathematical field in conjunction with a faculty supervisor. The student will write a research paper or do a project (computer program, etc...) in which the topic is explored and analyzed in-depth. The student must also present his or her findings on the topic orally to a faculty committee to receive credit for the course. In addition, all students enrolled in this course are required to take the ETS Major Field Test for Mathematics. This course cannot be challenged. Counts for ELR credit.