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Accessibility Statement
OneCard, OneWeb Accessibility Statement
TouchNet (OneCard) strives to provide the best possible software experience for all those who use our Rich Internet Applications, including those with disabilities. We work to achieve that goal through compliance with industry accessibility standards, including Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act and level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. in our interface designs and software development.
Features used to enhance accessibility
Textual equivalents are provided for all non-textual elements.
All forms and form elements are designed for accessibility.
Color recognition is not required to convey information.
Style sheets are not required to view content.
Data tables are clearly identified for logical use.
No multimedia elements are used.
Server/client images and maps are not utilized in applications.
Frames are not utilized in applications.
Animation is not utilized in applications.
Ongoing accessibility initiatives include
Review of updated guidelines as they are released.
Continuing assessment of application software and development processes as they relate to future guidelines.
Working with third party providers to review, document, remediate issues and provide detailed VPAT 2.0 documentation.
Conformance with official accessibility guidelines
The website currently is conformant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(WCAG) 2.0. Our most recent web accessibility audit for this web application was on April 19, 2018.
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